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Our Winemakers

Hervé Jestin

Oenologist Hervé Jestin has overseen production since 2008, taking a distinctly non-interventionist position: “Our vines and our wines have a certain sort of independence,” says Hervé. “We provide guidance and care, but don’t want to force anything.” Hervé is a respected expert in biodynamic farming and is a forefather of bioenergetics, a movement among a small group of vignerons who are working to bring the energy of nature to the finished wine. All fermentation is spontaneous, and the wines are vinified in a combination of INOX tank, terracotta egg or French oak barrel. Malolactic fermentation is allowed to happen naturally and dosage levels are kept low (below 4g/L). All the wines are bottled 100% unfiltered and unfined, using only time and gravity for clarification. The end goal is gastronomic Champagne, wines intended for the table, that brim with energy and speak clearly of their terroir.


Hervé Jestin
Inside LeClerc Briant

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