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Marco’s Cellar Myanmar is seeking for distributors and wholesalers!

A bottle of value-for-money wine is not exactly difficult to find after all! We definitely understand the quandary of searching for bottles of genuine and quality wines in Myanmar… Everyone knows that It is a common behavior to want to spend money on deserving products. With that, you can rest assured that Marco’s Cellar products will guide you to the desirable wine drinking experiences that you have been yearning for! Marco’s Cellar is a merchant with authentic import and export licenses. On top of that, our wines are tax-paid, FDA-tested and kept in optimal condition.

Marco’s Cellar tagline – ‘taste quality wines with the most favorable prices!’ is the image we have portrayed to our fellow wine-sippers ever since our venture into this industry. Needless to say, that tagline has delivered incredible results to our sales! If you recall, our Cape Dreams wines were sold out within 72 hours last year…

We would like to take this opportunity to expand our distribution channels in Myanmar! We are now welcoming all wine distributors and wholesalers in Myanmar to come talk to us today – special rates will be given to you!

We believe each person deserves a bottle of genuine and quality wine… Why not join us this instant and start spreading some goodness?


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